Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Ya' Heard!!!: Ho, Ho, Ho, Merry CHRIST-mas!!!

Ya' Heard!!!: Ho, Ho, Ho, Merry CHRIST-mas!!!


Anonymous said...

The way your Spirit and Mind works is a testiment to How Good God Is and how how He Blesses. Your a Blessing and have been Blessed and Highly Favored.

cjluvsu said...

Dear Shakespearnoir,you've come a long way baby.Nobody knows the struggle better than those who have experienced it.I pray God's abundant blessings in your life and great success on your new journey to sharing the intricate parts of your soul!


ShakespearNoir said...

Thanks Char. I have only taken a very small step on the road to discovering all there is to be revealed.

I have so many other works in the mix right now that I can hardly find the time to keep it all organized.

Keep an eye out for the "According to Noir" series coming to print soon. It's going to be an extensive project but worthwhile